Who is who? That's my question.
Wednesday I was writing my monthly column. As I write, I image that I'm sitting with a cup of tea and just chatting with a friend. Our conversation runs through my mind and out my fingers onto the keyboard. When I finish writing, I read through it to be sure it flows, to be sure I wrote everything I was thinking. I've been known to leave a sentence or paragraph out because I thought it, but my fingers never caught up.
I edit and rewrite any oops-es; then proofread for punctuation and grammatical errors, and those nasty spelling errors the computer doesn't pick up.
As I was reading through my column, I began to feel an emotion that I couldn't define at first. I glanced up and realized my "reader" was me. The message was for me ~ it was a reflection of music in my life. (You can read it at
http://www.positivelyfeminine.org under Beautifully Feminine. My column is called "Connie's Coda.")
The emotion? The overwhelming joy of learning, writing, teaching, and reading all at the same time! I wept knowing how blessed I was.. and am... and continue to be.
Shalom, Connie