... Even the worst heartaches can become heartstrings to God's hope, comfort, encouragement, joy, peace and love...

Welcome! As a fan of the cartoon character Maxine, I enjoy her witty remarks. But when I
read my blogs & other writing to her, she's not very responsive- even when I'm wearing my bunny slippers like hers! She just doesn't get it!
Although she's funnier than I am, I do pray that this site will bring encouragement to your day! I'd love to hear from you! Unlike Maxine, you can leave me a message via the Comments. Shalom, Connie


Monday, April 27, 2009

Book Review:

The Noticer by Andy Andrews

A small, but mighty book, The
Noticer is a quick read. Andy Andrews is a good storyteller and spins a pleasant tale about a man with an old battered suitcase, who "notices things."
He appears throughout a small town sharing with folks the things he (yep!) notices, which leads people to rethink what's going on in their lives.

You can read this book superficially and just enjoy the tale
you can stop and ponder what your life is all about and decide if any changes are needed.

I read The Noticer in one afternoon, but I have been mulling it over ever since then. As I have reflected upon the lives of each character in the story, I have seen some resemblances in my own life. And that's opened my eyes and mind to see myself as not measuring up . . . not being the person that the Lord meant for me to be. I am planning on some life changes real soon!

I strongly recommend The Noticer to everyone 16 years of age and older. Get a copy and take a journey with the old man who notices things and isn't shy about sharing them!

1 comment:

sue bee said...

Hi, Connie!

So, I'm an audiobook addict. Went straight off to my favorite audiobook bookseller and lo! and behold! viola! There I found The Noticer read by the author. Listened to the first three or four minutes sample and it sounds like a great book. So, soon as next month's book "credits" pop into my account there, I'll be putting The Noticer in my cart!!
Thanks for sharing this book with readers of the blog. :-)

PS -- maybe you'll find this funny -- but the "word" I need to type in to post this comment is 'conipled" or Connie Pled ... LOL