... Even the worst heartaches can become heartstrings to God's hope, comfort, encouragement, joy, peace and love...

Welcome! As a fan of the cartoon character Maxine, I enjoy her witty remarks. But when I
read my blogs & other writing to her, she's not very responsive- even when I'm wearing my bunny slippers like hers! She just doesn't get it!
Although she's funnier than I am, I do pray that this site will bring encouragement to your day! I'd love to hear from you! Unlike Maxine, you can leave me a message via the Comments. Shalom, Connie


Wednesday, March 04, 2020

A Gift

I want to introduce a favorite writer of mine, Darlene. Her studies always bless my life... I just had to tell you about her newest one.

Darlene studies hard then writes, then shares it online. She posts each lesson on Mondays with a discussion on Fridays. [Although it is best to follow along when she posts it, you can save it, if unable to do the study in real time.]
Did I mention she's also an artist? Her drawings throughout the study are lovely visuals. I color them, which helps them stick in my mind. Her writing challenges me and stimulates my little grey cells to ponder her words and learn at a new level.

However, there's more!

Another reason I love recommending her studies is that she understands not everyone can afford to purchase the study guides. Therefore, Each week she posts the entire lesson... you have access to everything in the printed book. I do purchase her guides, when I can, to have everything in one place vs copying all those pages and putting them a folder or notebook to save.

If you enjoy doing Bible studies or need some encouragement, I hope you'll "meet" Darlene.

Title: The Life of Joseph: A Type of Christ

Start Date: Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Length: 6 Weeks
Where: at TimeWarpWife.com



Today  Lesson 2 will be posted. I am really enjoying this study including my part- reading and answering questions.

Thought I'd share a word with you about Joseph's special coat given to him as the favorite son by                 Jacob, his father. It is a good example of why translating from one language & culture to another is very complex.

kethneth passim are the Hebrew words for Joseph's coat. 

They may be translated as:
a full-sleeved robe, a coat of many colors, a coat reaching to his feet, an ornamented tunic, a silk robe or a fine woolen cloak. 
Whether it was colorful, ornate, or just pricy, we do know it set him apart and caused his brothers' jealousy to increase. (References available.)

Tomorrow I'll be sharing another book that I'm finding perfect for these crazy times. 'Til then...

Selah- think on this,


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