... Even the worst heartaches can become heartstrings to God's hope, comfort, encouragement, joy, peace and love...

Welcome! As a fan of the cartoon character Maxine, I enjoy her witty remarks. But when I
read my blogs & other writing to her, she's not very responsive- even when I'm wearing my bunny slippers like hers! She just doesn't get it!
Although she's funnier than I am, I do pray that this site will bring encouragement to your day! I'd love to hear from you! Unlike Maxine, you can leave me a message via the Comments. Shalom, Connie


Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Joe 's Gift of Life


By Joe Mazzella

I was sitting on a long, black, folding medical table. Beside me was a woman in scrubs talking about the cold change the weather had taken recently. A radio in the corner was playing Christmas music even though it was still weeks away. I took a sip from the bottle of lemonade I had brought with me so I wouldn’t get dizzy. I looked around at all the other people laying back on their medical tables too. Each one of us had a needle in our arms with a long tube running down from it filling a plastic bag below. Each one of us had come to give a precious gift to help others, make the world a better place, and perhaps even save a life.

It was the local blood drive and I had driven 12 miles across snowy roads to get there. I tried never to miss one even in the wintertime. In spite of all the time it took I felt blessed being able to give this gift back to others. I had been given so much in this life: a loving family, many friends, sweet adorable pets, a comfy home, and enough money to meet my needs. Every day my prayers always included the words: “Thank you God for my life.” The gifts I had been given felt wonderful, yet the one thing that brought me more happiness than anything else was giving something back. You see, in this life nothing brings you as much joy as taking your place in the great circle of Love that God created for us all. In this circle you receive and you give until it all becomes one. The more you give back, the more you get in return. The more love you let flow from your heart, the more love flows into it from above.

There are so many gifts you can give in this life too: a smile, a kind word, a few dollars, a hug, a caring letter or e-mail, and even a pint of blood. Each one of them is priceless and precious. Each one of them brings a little more Heaven into your heart. Each one of them makes God smile. May you fill your life with giving then. May you fill your life with Love.

~ ~ ~

I'll leave giving blood to Joe and my son & his wife as I am unable to do so. I am home-bound and unable to gift folks with a smile, a kind word, or a hug as I go about my day.

 Howeveer, I can write thank you notes, pen pal letters, and pray for those in need. I can also write words of encouragement via emails, my blog or through sharing short stories.

Did you know that the Lord commands* us to be encouragers? I even have a red, heart-shaped  "Official Encourager" badge that humor writer, Liz Curtis Higgs gave me in 1996.

Years later, using Florence Littauer's book, Silver Boxes as the basis, I taught about encouragement at several women's conferences. Every lady in attendance left with a tiny one-inch silver box with a silver bow on top and a magnet underneath. I suggested that they keep their tiny gift near the spot they talked on the phone the most often. It was to remind her to speak only kind words.

For me, encouragement as a part of Thanks-Living each and every day. How about you?


Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.
[Ephesians 4:29, NIV]

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