Fatigue is incapacitating and makes you…
F rail and vulnerable, and
A nxious including doubting your value.
T ired in the extreme and lonely,
but you have no energy for a visitor.
I rritable, impatient and you are unable
to concentrate or focus.
G oalless and “woe is me” sets in along with
U seless roller coaster of emotions
resulting in the need for
E ncouragement
Coping with fatigue is a difficult challenge because of the
above. I felt like the world was moving around me, but I was not part of it. I
was not even part of my own world. I could not think at a depth needed for
writing. Some days I could not complete the simplest Sudoku puzzle or follow
the plot of a TV mystery or other movies.
Thankfully, I slept much of those first weeks. As my naps
became shorter and further apart, I decided to create a new routine for each
day. Without a bit of structure, my days melded one into another and I felt a
skewed sense of time.
My doctor’s instruction began and ended my day. To this I added, for at least 10 minutes each:
Write a memory in each of the grandkids’ Gramma
Knit on simple afghan.
Write a note to a friend.
Read something fun.
Play a computer game or Sudoku.
Knit on simple afghan.
Write a note to a friend.
Read something fun.
Play a computer game or Sudoku.
above actions were to be spaced throughout my day, as I had to pace myself in
order to complete anything. Cooking for me was literally do step 1 and rest,
step 2 and rest, etc. Normal activities of daily living took extremely long.
There were days I could not get dressed. On my worst days, I tried to do at
least one out of the five.
this when you or a loved one is ill- especially those with chronic illness
and/or pain and terminal conditions.
think on this.
Prayer for Restoration from Fatigue*:
Gracious God, As my body is depleted of energy, my mind loses focus. My
tired spirit sags as if it were a balloon losing its air. Sometimes even
restorative sleep eludes me. Help me avoid what drains rather than feeds me.
Nudge me to take time to sit in perfect stillness while You massage my soul.
When I go to bed, wrap Your love around me like the softest shawl that I may
sleep peacefully in Your embrace. Because and through Your Son, I ask all this
so I may fulfill Your call on my life. Amen.
*Adapted; original source unknown
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